I struggle with tortilla wraps, not because I don’t like them, but inevitably there’s a bunched up clod of thick tortilla that is neither tasty or particularly digestible, that is essential to keeping the contents inside the wrap. But wraps aren’t the only way to eat tortillas. Think of ultra thin crispy triangles, golden brown, with puffed up fragile, flaky bubbles, topped with warm melted cheese, chilli or just plain with a little salt. These are my ideal chips to dip. Keep your crisps smothered in hydrolysed this and that and swop to an easy inexpensive snack.
These wafer thin wonders are so easy to make they don’t really need a recipe. Just a heap of toppings and a hot pan. I used grated cheese, cheddar or emmental are perfect, but you choose. Sliced red, green and orange chillies, a crumbling of salty feta, a few black and green olives with a splodge of guacamole and sour cream. You mix it up these are your flavours.
Place a large frying pan over a moderate heat and allow to warm up, you want the pan quite hot to crisp the tortilla as soon as it goes in. There is no oil in this recipe. Place a single tortilla flat into the pan and leave it to crisp on the underside 3-5 mins. keep checking, you don’t want it to burn. As soon as it’s golden, flip it over and sprinkle the golden side with cheese. Now add olives or chillies or both. Again keep an eye on it but as soon as the under side is golden take it out of the pan and cut, as you would a pizza. Beautiful crisp triangles to snack on. Repeat with as many tortillas as you think you can eat! Serve on a wooden board or beside a bowl of Chilli.
The post Easy Tortilla Chips appeared first on Glamorous Glutton.com.